What a year 2021 has been. I have lost several friends this year and it wasn’t just due to Covid. I wished 2021 would have been a better year, but it brought much more stress and anxiety into my life. Even with uncertainty and sadness, there were also good things that did come out of of 2021. Typically my day job would consist of me traveling every other week, since Covid I have been able to work from home full time. I used to drive 45 minutes each way to drop my kids off to school, but now they are only a 10 minute walk away. As a family, we would watch tv shows and cook healthier meals. We would take walks around the neighborhood each evening and have family dinners. I get to see my boys grow up and tell me about their days in person. Throughout the year I took part in Pop Up Shops in my neighborhood and met some amazing people and friends a long the way. I showcased my calligraphy and craft at a couple of vendor markets and made graduation cap cards and toppers that were a hit. The busiest time of the year for me starts after Thanksgiving through Christmas. I am humbled and honored I get to create personalized gifts for people to give to their loved ones. I appreciate each and every one of you who have supported me throughout my journey. Here’s to 2022!